Last week was so busy with swim team practice, ballet exam practice, and other outings. My body has felt really exhausted again. I am hoping it was just a little growth spurt for the baby or something, because I was so ready to be done with those first trimester issues! I go to an OB appointment tomorrow for bloodwork and a visit with the nurse. Aside from the exhaustion, I have a few other little issues I'm dealing with which I hope can be explained/resolved. I'd appreciate prayers for a successful appointment, especially since I'll be taking all the kids with me! (I know, I know...Everyone offers to babysit after these posts, but sometimes it's just easier to deal with taking them than coordinating childcare. Thanks for everyone's generosity though. And as I'm writing this it looks like I may have someone to watch them afterall.)
While on the subject of crazy outings with kids...Thursday was so funny (I can say that now). Steven Joseph threw 2 fits in Border's Bookstore. One about wanting a toy plane and the other about losing his quarter. I ran into a friend while he was fussing and I was holding the books that I was giving as gifts at the baby shower that evening, which she was being honored at! I had to drag SJ to the checkout and the car. Then Ellie had a fit, also about a quarter, when we were going into HEB. She was screaming and running away from me, refusing to go inside. It was nice and embarrassing. Then Mary Clare nearly strangled herself with the string for the blinds when we got home. Somehow it got around her neck while she was climbing and fell on the windowsill. My little monkeys. Need to take care of those strings! I was SO ready for a mom's night that evening for our homeschool group's baby shower.
And now for the iPhonePhuzzyPhotos of the week. Thanks to everyone who has been giving me advice about cameras! Not sure when I'll be ready for that fancy Nikon or Canon, but I'll know where to turn when I am.
Ellie with Stevie on the first day of swim team practice. Mary Clare refused to be photographed! They are loving it and don't want to miss a day of practice, even in the freezing water!

My mom came over on Friday and was working with both Ellie and Mary Clare on their schoolwork while Steven Joseph was crying, ready to go to her house. It was a really funny moment that I wanted to get on camera. Ellie was running away in the photo, but the moment actually consisted of all three kids in her face, wanting NeNe's attention, and she was covering her ears in misery!

This was on Saturday, after cousin Emily's beautiful First Holy Communion. All the girl cousins are getting so big. I looked at some old photos today of when the three oldest were toddlers; made me want to cry. MC and P (on the right) will both be making their FHC next year. I can't believe it! Ellie will make hers in 3 years, with the boys running in the isle behind, LOL! Those 3 will all be kindergartners next year.

Here they let cousin Caleb join in the photo.

This is one of the best pictures ever of Steven and his dad. Like father, like son. Sleeping on a Saturday afternoon!

Today after mass, lunch, naptime, and cleaning, we went on a family bike ride and then played for awhile at the park where the bike trail starts. Here was our funny family seesaw adventure with all 5 (well, 6) of us on...

Hope everyone has a wonderful first week of May!
1 comment:
I am glad you got your family time. It is amazing how the stress of life can take so much out of you without even knowing. We are praying for the baby and you.
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