Mary Clare has a new thing she likes to play. She calls it "secret ingredient" or "my special recipe". It consists of finding random things around the house and mixing them together in some sort of bowl. They are usually left in strange places around the house. For awhile I kept finding hair shampoo and conditioner mixed up and left in bathroom cabinets or her toy kitchen oven. Now those are stored up high so we don't run out! One night she had Ellie eating a strange concoction of baby rice cereal with water and all sorts of pepper and seasoning. Yuck!
A few days ago I found this:

It's a toy teapot with crushed up Pringles potato chips mixed with syrup...yum!
Right now she is making something with this:

This delicacy includes vegetable oil, water, raisins, butter, and various seasonings. I just checked and noticed she has a second bowl filled with flour and green sprinkles! But the funniest part was watching her talk about what she was making. She was calling herself "Rachael Ray who makes 60 minute meals". "Doesn't this look delicious? I can't wait to taste a bite of this. You won't believe it!" she says. Maybe she'll be the next Food Network star. Forget about ballet class, maybe we need to find her a cooking school!
And my other little angel, who sleeps soundly right now, has been doing all sorts of new things and saying all kinds of new words. She is slowly learning to pronounce certain things like "water" more correctly (wa-dor, instead of wa-wer) and is saying the sweetest little prayers blessing all our family members. When we are saying prayers or at mass she says "Son, Hoey Pirit" for the sign of the cross and loves getting holy water from the font! Today we were headed to ballet class and I was asking MC if she was excited. Ellie said "Eh-ie cited, Mommy hab baby in tubby. Pe-dor!" (translated, Ellie excited, Mommy have baby in tummy. Peter!)
Well, my little ballerina/chef/acrobat is jumping off the printer table so I better check out for now!
Oh and we had a beautiful mass this morning offering it for all our special baby intentions! Thanks for your prayers. Little Augustine, pray for us!