Must go grocery shopping.
I'll leave this mess, and this cooking dinner
I'll leave this mess, and this cooking dinner
Ellie decides she needs to bring something to write on.
Scouring the house for the "perfect" backpack
to bring to the grocery store.

Here she is! Ready with her lime green backpack.
Which I'll note DID make it into the grocery store cart
But was never opened the entire trip
and was probably left in the van.

But that's okay, because these seats are in the garage
and need to be installed back into the minivan...

Okay, seats are in, kids are in.
But where is my cell phone?
I run inside and call it.
Can you find it here?
In we go. They are always doing great
in the produce section!
Sometimes I even get comments there
about how cute and good my kids are.
in the produce section!
Sometimes I even get comments there
about how cute and good my kids are.

Just wait until I get to the frozen foods, people.
Paper goods, frozen foods, baby section--
that's where I just get evil eyes!
Live lobsters are sitting out today. Cool.

It's getting really bad by the pet aisle
and I don't know how I'm going to get
that giant bag of dog food on my cart.
I had to get the smaller bag.
This is the point where SJ is released from his prison seat.

But after he trips and falls on his head
(see his red forehead while he's pulling down margarine tubs)
and refuses to follow us down the aisle
I decide it's time for the Moby wrap!

Ellie getting wild and crazy.
Gotta love the stripes/floral ensemble
and her jacket stuck under the wheel of the cart!

Now I won't say whether or not
I bribed the girls with treats ;)
The checker just stared at me for a second
then started scanning my stuff
turns out I was in this lane:
I definitely didn't have 10 items or less!

and I totally enjoyed putting them away
in our "new" fridge!
The girls may or may not
have been feasting on M&Ms and a popsicle
and "pirate booty" which they joked about all evening
So that's my grocery day!
Hope you enjoyed it,
and I'm sure many of you can relate!
and a bonus picture of SJ at dinner
His shirt says "Little Farmer" :)