All I want for Christmas is some healthy children! We can't seem to stay well over here, and we had to cancel our trip to visit my grandmother in the nursing home this weekend. Lots of big events this week...hopefully we can get Mary Clare well and keep the rest of them from catching whatever nasty tonsil thing she has. No fun, poor girl.--2--
We baked cookies last week with our new Christmas cookie cutters from St. Nicholas! I used to have such a hard time making sugar cookies that turned out well, but these turned out great, thanks to JoAnn's Rolled Cookie recipe from the NFP message board cookbook! I just wish we had time to ice them, oh well.
I got my early Christmas present..iPod dock with CD player and radio!
Stevie likes it a lot, especially the remote.
Stevie likes it a lot, especially the remote.
My sweet hubby bought me an iPod for my birthday, and slowly over the past months have fallen in love with it! The girls LOVE to dance around the house and listen to music, but I didn't have speakers for it. This way we can bring the iPod anywhere in the house and dance to all the wonderful classical, children's, Christian, and Christmas music we've bought over the past months. We'll also get to use it for our homeschool group's Christmas Showcase this week, if we're well enough to attend!
The kids are having a blast with it!
Here's their Friday night PJ performance!

Oh, how I love the Advent season!
Such anticipation!
I made a wreath for the front door this week,
with flowers, ribbon, and bells from the dollar store.
Pretty good for $3, eh?
Had to add in another pic of my Christmas tree too.
I fall in love with my tree every year.
I just sit in the living room and stare at it :)

How many attempts will it take to get an acceptable Christmas card picture?
Sibling pics, family pics...I don't like any of them.
I'm very picky.
Here are some fun outtakes.

Well, time to get dinner ready...
5 takes will have to do for now.
Maybe I'll think of more later...
Here's their Friday night PJ performance!

Oh, how I love the Advent season!
Such anticipation!
I made a wreath for the front door this week,
with flowers, ribbon, and bells from the dollar store.
Pretty good for $3, eh?
Had to add in another pic of my Christmas tree too.
I fall in love with my tree every year.
I just sit in the living room and stare at it :)

How many attempts will it take to get an acceptable Christmas card picture?
Sibling pics, family pics...I don't like any of them.
I'm very picky.
Here are some fun outtakes.

5 takes will have to do for now.
Maybe I'll think of more later...
Great cookies, beautiful wreath, lovely tree! We are so glad everyne is getting well especially with Aunt Mrs.Santa Marilyn here today! See you all later!
Love, Ne Ne
Stay tuned to my cooking blog Blair. I'll be posting my sugar cookie recipe pretty soon...AND a super easy frosting recipe to go with it. Both are foolproof, I promise!
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