Her ballet routine, Cowgirls!

I can't wait to see my big girl perform in the big production! This is her first time to be in two dances in a show. I know that both my little sweethearts will dance beautifully and enjoy themselves, and I can't wait to watch them shine on stage!
Dance was such a big part of my childhood; I am glad my girls are enjoying it and giving me that chance to be on the audience side of the stage. Although I admit, I do miss the limelight a little bit :) I'm right now watching the final episode of "Dancing with the Stars" and wishing I could just jump on the stage myself! It looks like so much fun. Maybe I can find myself a maternity exercise class sometime soon; I'm definitely needing some workouts other than toddler-chasing. I got so worn out with only a few dances at the Daddy Daughter Dance and find myself even winded after doing the dishes! Ahh...pregnancy!
Tomorrow morning we'll get a little peek at Baby! Can't wait to see him or her dancing around inside! I can surely feel the movements consistently throughout the day now. We're waiting to find out the gender until Baby's arrival, so hopefully he or she behaves and doesn't give mama, NeNe, and the kids a peep show tomorrow. We (at least Steven and I) are really looking forward to that big surprise at the end!
cannot get over how much MC looks like you, particularly with her hair slicked back in a dance costume! beautiful!
LOVE the costumes!! Beautiful.
So, if you accidentally see any baby parts are you going to share the news? ;)
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