It started pouring rain as mass was ending. Steven realized that one of the special Christmas gifts was in the bed of his truck since we had no idea that rain was in the forecast. So he and I with the now napping boys drove back home to dry it off, making a quick stop at Walmart on the way back to my parents' house for dinner and a fun evening of visiting and games. Whoa, what an adventure! And the evening was just beginning (I think I was up until after 3am) !
My 3 big kids with cousin Addison. SJ kept trying to run away; I can't believe I actually got a photo with him at least looking at the camera!

Thomas was a bit fussy after all that driving back and forth, so he spent some time being rocked and comforted by PaPa.

The girls love watching TV at NeNe and PaPa's (since we don't have TV at home). We found a special Santa Tracker station which totally fascinated Mary Clare as she watched the news program showing the cities where Santa was visiting, including one where her best friend is on vacation!

We got home around 11pm and all 4 kids went to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. We usually let them sleep in our room Christmas Eve so they don't sneak out and find the presents early!
"The children were nestled all snug in OUR bed, while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads..."

And while they were sleeping, Santa came! American Girl dolls and a Bow and Arrow were the Santa requests this year and he came through! Thomas even got a Little People Nativity and Christmas board book. Poor guy didn't get a stocking though; Mama failed on that plan for stocking-making during Advent!

A picture of the fireplace for good measure, since it didn't get fully decorated until Christmas Eve! I still haven't been able to light it since the outlet is now behind the piano!

Mommy and Daddy also came through with some great (used) finds! It was going to be a fun Christmas morning...

To be continued...
Love the pic of the four kids tucked in your bed. Life looks so peaceful when all of the kids are sleeping. :)
Funny about the TV- we don't have it either and they think it's rather mesmerizing to watch those commercials. (One of the reasons we don't have it!)
Hope the tummy stuff is going ok. We're still circulating it around our family. :(
Merry Christmas to your beautiful family.
Merry Christmas to you too!....If I had my way there would be no TV in my house either!!
Theresa in Alberta
Looks like a great Christmas at your house! Genevieve didn't have her own stocking either, but I bet they will forgive us. Santa left her a massive box of diapers from sams and some consignment store robeez :)
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