My sweet family let me choose the activities of the weekend, which included 2 trips to our neighborhood pool (I have a feeling this will be my home-away-from-home this summer, being pregnant in the TX heat!), a walk along the waterway, a walk around the outdoor mall, a family grocery store trip (I know hubby detests this, but he did it with a smile!), "early" morning Mass, 3 roses from my girls and my belly-babe, out to eat lunch with my family and a family friend, and an evening fishing excursion to top it off! It was lovely :) Thanks to my sweet family; the only thing missing was a trip across town to see Steven's family and my grandmother miles away in a nursing home :( I hope she was blessed with peace and love by her Mother's Day visitors. And I hope each of you had a special weekend as well. Looks like it from the blog entries I see already...
Our new favorite place, the neighborhood pool!
MC jumping into the baby pool

Ellie doesn't quite like the "floaties"!

Close enough to walk in the wagon

An evening walk down the nearby waterway was beautiful, and the girls had fun running around! Usually we do this in the heat of the late morning with Mommy in fast walking mode, so they had fun this time.

And an evening fish with Daddy!

Sweet Sisters

MC has the hang of it, but has no interest in the actual fish!

Ellie tries the reel

Catch #1

Catch #2

No hopes at leaving a "park" without playing on the playground, even in the dark!

They sure make me a happy mommy!
Sounds like such a perfect weekend! I love the photo of you and your are all so beautiful! :)
Happy Mother's day, Blair. It looks like you had the perfect day with a beautiful family. God bless you.
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