Wednesday, January 30, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

round button chicken
~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter
Why not join 2 link-ups for this last Thursday in January?

 My favorite photo of the week :)
Pretty kids after Sunday Mass on our pretty new cedar porch swing!

Our other pretty porch purchase!

 Pretty girls at the Botanical Gardens

We got the guitars out of the garage and have started to play again! 

Happy that my fingers still remember some chords.
My rainbow WWJD bracelet and yarn from my now-a-priest friend's 
winter hat make me happy thinking of college memories! 

Happy boys doing their "hunting" in the backyard,

while happy girls have been sewing indoors!

Thomas had fun with Mary Clare's homeschool checklist last week!

 What it's really like to take a picture of 4 kids!

And what my bed really looked like last night when Daddy was away.

 Well, I've really jogged a few times this week (with the girls),
but still feel very unprepared for the 5K this weekend.
Hope I do okay!

Hope you've found some pretty, happy, funny, and real moments
around you this week!


Monique G. said...

Love the pictures of funny faces. Sometimes the funny action shots are my favorite when getting pictures of the kids. Stopping by from {p.h.f.r}

Anonymous said...

The picture of the kids on the porch swing is beautiful. I really enjoyed all of your post, so glad to have found your blog.

Becca Allred said...

Well, at least you didn't have to sleep alone! Those boys are adorable.

Blessed and Broken said...

thanks so much Blair! I have loved your family for years. :) I love the pic of the bed heads!

Rebekah Es said...

Oh, do my boys hunt with Nerf guns, too! All your pics are keepsakeable, even the silly ones!

Unknown said...

Blair! Look at those gorgeous kids!! Love your photos - and love your guitar memories!!

Leila said...

Those silly kids on the swing are the best!!

Sarah said...

I hope your 5k went well! I'm in training for seems I need motivation though. lol

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