Wednesday, January 11, 2012

pretty, funny, happy, real

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter. 
(Posting from phone so not sure how the photos will load!)

Pretty girls working on new workbooks at the school table I just moved to the dining room (where the Christmas tree had been).
 Also pretty new workbooks from Seton for language arts. I am loving them so far.

Happy boy eating in his new booster we bought to eat at NeNe's house!

Funny Tommy playing with the iPod while the girls were doing their schoolwork.

My real laundry piles. Each kid has a basket but I never get the clothes folded or put away. Maybe twice a month. Really need to get the kids to take over this chore!


Misty said...

Ohhh the laundry! I can relate but sometimes treat myself to folding and watching tv after the kids are asleep in order to get it done.

justamouse said...

What curric is that? Those books are all so pretty and shiny and asking to be cracked open! (whoops, did I give it away that I'm a homeschooler, too?)

Your laundry piles look fantastic. You should see mine. :-)

Leila said...

Thanks for joining! Your kids are so cute. Did you ever read my post about laundry problems starting with TOO MANY CLOTHES?? This is the key :) You can find it on my sidebar.
I love how so many people post their laundry as their real :)

Kimberly said...

Blair...I so feel your pain. I do laundry 2x a week, 4-5 loads every time. I wash, dry, and sort each kid's clothing. My older 3 (12, 10 and 7 1/2 fold and put their clothes away. My oldest does his little brother's laundry too.) You need to find a good incentive to get your girls to help you, 'cause the laundry never ends! Sometimes...every once in a blue moon, I let the kids watch TV while they fold. Or offer them a 1/2 hour after they're done.

Blair said...

Justamouse, it's Seton language arts workbooks.

Auntie Leila, I love that you commented and I needed that advice! Thank you! Just spent some time reading some of your posts and being encouraged.

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