St. Mary's Catholic Church, College Station, Texas
With his Mommy and Daddy

Big brothers looking on

Baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Lighting baptismal candle from the Easter candle

May your light always shine bright with Christ's love, Santiago!

Family with Fr. David

Godparents with Fr. David and the newly baptized

with Godmommy

awake baby

The Godfamily

Our good friend Marie visiting from Argentina with her beautiful cherubs, Juan Pablo and Clara Lucia

Isn't he just utterly delicious?

Mary Clare, the big Godsister!

going wild on the big boys' fort bunk bed!

trying to calm the kids down with Snow White, while the dads enjoy some kind of internet video

Kids having fun in the schoolroom

worn out from such a big day!

My poem for Santiago Jose...
A newborn little baby,
Who we are so blessed to know,
And we’re proud to be your godparents,
To pray and watch you grow.
You were made in God’s own image,
Grew quite close to mother’s heart,
Now you’re here for us to meet you,
His newest work of art.
After two whole weeks of living,
Now it’s time to bless your soul,
Here on February 6th,
You now will make this greatest goal.
You’ll be baptized in the water,
Be anointed with His love,
You’ll be prayed for and be blessed,
By our Creator from above.
You will grow up in the knowledge,
That you’re a child of the King,
You’ll know God loves you deeply,
It’s by far the greatest thing!
And you’re loved by your own family,
By your godparents you see,
That we’re always going to pray for you,
To grow up so to be
A child full of love and laughter,
A teen who knows God’s only Son,
A man that’s passionate, creative,
A saint who learns just how to run…
Run into God’s arms to meet him,
Every day and every night,
Knowing he’s the one who shows you,
Every wrong from every right.
And until our lives are over,
And our work on earth is through,
Oh little Santiago,
We are always here for you!
The sweet words and photos just make me smile adoringly.
Santiago is very blessed with a special family and friends.
I pray he always feels the love and grace that surrounded him on this holy day and all the days of his life!
Wow, Blair. I love your sweet poem, brought tears to my eyes.
So beautiful Blair. What a gift you have, and what a gift He is!!
Beautiful! :)
Congratulions to your sweet Godson and new Christian! I miss Fr. David and St. Mary's so much!!
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