It's funny to imagine how our family will change once Peter joins our family and later gets older and starts to have his own interests and want his own "boy toys" and boy games. I'm excited about the new adventure but also a bit apprehensive about what it will entail. I know virtually nothing about sports...never played a team sport in my life. I was a dancer through and through! I'm not a big outdoors fan or a great lover of fishing and hunting.
But my husband is all of those and more!!! He speaks the male language of sports. I cannot for the life of me translate what he discusses with his brother and nephew of all their fantasy sports drafts or quoted movie lines. He loves camping, fishing, hunting, wildlife, outdoors...we are truly complete opposites in that regard. My dream vacation is a cruise or fancy resort and his is a trip to the Grand Canyon (which after seeing a show on it recently terrifies the daylights out of me...I formed a fear of heights after having kids!). He just called me at 10:00pm from work, asking if I want to go to the beach tomorrow so he can fish. Fishing and hunting run deep through his veins!
We compromise our interests in a lot of ways, and try to share his love of nature with the girls, but it's also exciting to know that Steven will have a little buddy to take out to the ranch, the fishing pier, or the hunting trip. He's tried some of these with activities the girls, but for the most part they have been scared of fish and large animals. They don't care to be outdoors in the heat for long hours or be around the loud noises of things like tractors or baseball stadiums.
Here's what my girls spend their days playing with:

I'm embarrassed to admit that this is not even all the dolls. There were others in the playroom and probably in other areas of the house and at their grandma's house! I finally went to work purging some of the toys yesterday, including a few of these dolls, a handful of which were actually dolls from my own childhood! I put them aside to see if they miss them, before donating.
I'm going to have to start collecting some more masculine toy items, some dump trucks and swords, maybe another train set and some more matchbox cars and balls! The poor little boys who come to play have a really hard time finding suitable toys. A new adventure for me indeed!
I'll end my post tonight with a sweet video of Ellie from my parents' house tonight, and I'll watch the rest of "Ratatouille" while awaiting my husband's return. We'll see if we finish this weekend with painted furniture or fresh fish in the fridge....To Be Continued
What a beautiful reflection, Blair. I wish I had stopped to ponder a little more before Gustin was born. You are a beautiful mother and I have much to learn from you. It's exciting to see you go through this change in your lives. Little boys are so fun! But, don't worry about going out and buying a bunch of "boy" toys. A couple of buckets of rocks and sticks will entertain Peter just fine! :)
That video is hilarious, where did she learn to move her head like that? Thanks for the comments about girls, we both wanted another girl...but we love our boy. They bring something 'different' to the family. You'll be amazed at their natural play with boy things. Get some rest, you will definitely need it with a boy!
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