Here's what I've done so far on the faux headboard. Gonna take awhile! I'm also still adjusting the outline where some other paint dripped (why the outline looks light in color). I'm having fun playing artist :) But my question is, inside of the flower border I was going to paint stripes. But what kind of stripes? Horizontal? Vertical? Thick? Thin? We have very small blue pinstripes on our pillowcases and will probably have a plain blue or white comforter. I'm all ears for ideas!
Thanks and happy Saturday!
Blair, that is going to look so pretty! As to my .02... I think vertical wide and narrow stripes would look really pretty. Like you see here:
Whatever you pick is going to look so nice! You are so artistic! I am soooo impressed. How fun!
Emily beat me to what I was going to suggest. Vertical stripes with a pattern of thick and thin.
Whatever you choose, I can't wait to see the results!
Thanks, ladies! Steven suggested vertical too and I like the wide/narrow idea! The best part about this is if it ends up looking bad, we can just paint over it! Not to mention...it's free! I'm having fun :)
VERTICAL! Definitely! The stenciling looks beautiful! Hmm, I've always wanted to try my hand at it. Is it hard? Any tips?
You know, you could always get some wood molding and put that around the outside of the flower border. Or are you doing that with the tiles?
Oooh, the molding is a nice idea...hadn't thought of that. We were trying for the "free" option, but maybe eventually! I actually based the flowers on a dress of Ellie's and did it free hand. It got pretty quick once I got the hang of it. I'm about to start the stripes now, if I can keep the girls out!!!
Either way, it's going to look beautiful. I love it! You're very talented.
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