My new favorite food, both for breakfast and for sandwiches, is the frozen Ciabatta roll from HEB. You let it defrost for a few minutes, and then 10 minutes in the oven makes for the crunchiest, yummiest bread!
It brings me back to our pilgrimage to Rome. We stayed at a convent that had a bed and breakfast-type arrangement. In the morning we went downstairs to crunchy rolls with butter and coffee (well, water for me; I'm not a coffee drinker). Eating a crunchy Ciabatta roll with butter makes me remember the beautiful experience we had in Rome, visiting all the holy sites of Our Church, receiving the blessing of the late Pope John Paul II, and all the while enjoying it with 6 other newlywed friends from college. What a blessing!
I'm usually not a sandwich person, but with a little olive oil and some freshly sliced grilled or rotisserie chicken put in that bread and placed under the broiler...yum! And the girls don't like the crunch much, so I don't have to worry about sharing :)
And so, my dear friends...that is my way to have almost fresh bread these days! And if you thought that the title above might imply something else, and that I've been raving about this bread just to get you to the bottom of this post, you're right! A real bun-in-the-oven is due in mid November...yay! Mary Clare's prayers for a baby were answered :)
Please keep us and this new blessing in your prayers. Thank you!
Congratulations, Blair and Steven! I'm so excited for you. I'm glad I read the whole post, I almost stopped when I realized you were talking about rolls and not babies. : )
woohoo!! I knew there was good reason to read the whole post. Congratulations, Blair and Steven! That is really exciting! :D
PS--I LOVE H.E.B. and I will definitely try your Ciabatta bun! I recommend H.E.B. More Fruit instead of jelly. It's SOOOOOOOOOO good. They have many flavors, too! Strawberry is my current flavor. It tastes like homemade preserves!
Blair and Steven!!! Congratulations... I too, was glad to reach the end of your post and find you are expecting baby #3! What a blessing. We'll be praying for you all:)
you are too cute, girl! Congratulations to you all! What wonderful news... and I too have such fond memories of our breakfasts in Rome... so simple, but so good and FUN to wake up with friends!
We are cleaning out our closet today (ugh!) and I just threw out my plane ticket from Roma...i am beginning to think that will be our last vacation EVER :)
love, Jen C.
What awesome news!!! :) Congratulations to you both!
And thank you for the new lunch/dinner suggestion. I get so tired of eating the same old stuff! Love your blog!
Congratulations!!! How exciting! You are such a wonderful family, I am glad that you are adding to your numbers :)
I was so happy to see your post title but quite disappointed when I began reading...I'm so glad my first suspicion was correct!
Cheers to all of you!
You got me. But...I read on because I too stayed in one of those convents that included those crunchy, fresh and hot rolls every morning. I must agree - YUMMY!
What a fun way to break the news. Congratulations!
Many, many congratulations! My family will be praying for yours!
YEAH!!!! I have to admit that after reading your title I had a growing suspicion so I jumped to the end of the post!! I'm so happy for you and Steven and the girls. I'll go back and read the beginning of the post to see what's up with this yummy bread now!!
Mary Clare must be so excited!!
And now you can use those wonderful diapers! ;-)
This is such thrilling news!!! What a great surprise at the bottom of the post.
I read the title thinking "new baby!," then (with a half sigh of disappointment) saw it was about rolls, and then, to my enormous delight, found your incredible announcement! Well done! This'll make a good addition to a baby book.
Praying for you and this new little one!!!
Sadly, I was a little slow on the uptake with the title. But I did read the whole thing thank goodness.
I am so happy for you. May your pregnancy be richly blessed. You are in our prayers.
I'm so happy for you, Blair! I pray that you'll be blessed with both a healthy pregnancy and baby.
And, I love reading your blog!
Congratulations! How wonderful and exciting!
I hope it is a wonderful pregnancy for you. :-)
Congrats to you all! This is always the best news!
Thank you so much for the love and well wishes, but especially for the prayers, everyone. I'm having some spotting so we're a concerned I might be losing the baby :( More prayers appreciated. Thanks!
(also we're editing the posts from friends that have our last name, but thanks to them too)
You and the baby are in our prayers, Blair. What a blessing!
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