Mary Clare, the princess surgeon. Gotta love the life-sized Operation game!

And of course the day wouldn't be complete without Ellie getting attached to a ball. She's saying "BOOOOL" here:

A weekend without Daddy always seems to be an adventure! Ellie had a big fall on her head in a rocket ship in the museum and wouldn't play for about 15 minutes. Then after the museum, we went out to a Mexican restaurant with our friends. Ellie started coughing and choking on a tortilla chip. Then she was gagging and not breathing so I did the Heimlich on her (Yet after just googling Heimlich to make sure I was spelling it right, I realized I did it wrong. I thought I was supposed to hit her back and put my fist under her ribcage. Guess I need a refresher course!). Then last night Mary Clare awoke once again with coughing fits throughout the night. After a trip to the steamy bathroom at 2am, she finally slept through the night. I think the girls are really allergy-prone. I'm hoping it's mostly the issues of moving to this area, and maybe with our hopeful move things will be better in 2007. If not, I'm starting to think MC might have asthma :-/
Awaiting Daddy's arrival and our late evening Mass. Not sure how this is going to go with the time change. Ellie's almost asleep on the floor already.
He's home! Yay!
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