That sweet early morning boy I was mentioning

The new water park nearby had a grand opening on Saturday, complete with free food (Chic-fil-a) and goodies! Here's Steven with the girls floating down the "lazy river"

Ellie with her balloon kitty from the clown at the water park (the girls are apparently no longer scared of clowns!)

Those 10 cent magazines from the library are helping me out. Fun reading, a contest offer I'm hoping to win (for a new kitchen!), and a half hour of entertainment for the baby. But he just looks so old here, I'm having visions of that "little boy" face I'll be seeing in the future.

Other big smiles for:
~My friend K who fully entered the Catholic church last night, receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist! She's our friend who has been through a whole lot of trials recently, including cancer. We love you K and were so happy to share the beautiful evening with you!
~My new free haircut, see post below
~A Friday nature club about sand and pool outing with our homeschool friends
~Spending the afternoon with friends making and baking treats for tomorrow morning's tea for Mary Clare's last Miss Manners Class
~The O family in our homeschool group whose 17 year-old son Hayden passed away after a swimming accident this weekend (they are the ones who host our "farm" activities--All Saints' Day party and berry picking)
~The G family who I knew in collegetown...I just found out their 6 year-old son has gone through 9 months of treatment for brain cancer (but is in remission, praise God!)
~Another little boy, H, in my church circles who is undergoing treatment for a relapse of his cancer. They came to K's party last night and the priest prayed over him with everyone. It was really moving.
~Another friend who has been very sick.
Thank you God for the smiles, and please be with all those who are sick and grieving. May the soul of H rest in peace.