The camera lens is dirty, the bed isn't moved to the wall yet since the paint is still wet, and the end tables didn't get painted yet (hopefully tomorrow!)...but you get the idea! It was an all-day project and I can't wait to get the room all put together. I just realized that almost every item in the room besides our bed and bedding were given to us! "Design on a Dime"...that's for sure! I think I'd still like to find a different comforter since ours is getting really dingy and is too hard to wash, but other than that, I'm very happy with my new room and look forward to hanging out there with my new baby very soon :)
And edited to add a big thanks to all the encouragement and advice about my little project! Especially to Emily and Colleen for the stripes-advice!
It looks really good Blair! I like it!
My goodness, I can't believe that you got that all done in one day while you are pregnant! It looks beautiful!
Blair, that turned out great! Fantastic job, I'm super-impressed.
WOW! What a splendid job, Blair! I really love all the different widths on your stripes. Your room is so peaceful!
I know I've told you this before, but your talent with a brush amazes me! You really have a gift!
Now I don't like my real headboard. It's not nearly as pretty as your faux one.
It looks fantastic!!!!! Try Garden Ridge or Wal-Mart for a new bedding type!
Beautiful job, Blair--amazing work with the floral painting. I thought it might be stenciled before seeing the close-up! Great work!! And regarding your little Peter, just go ahead and invest in a wooden train set. That's all my little guys EVER want to play with... :)
Looks great! Nesting is a good thing for you I see! Wow.
That is amazing! It looks perfect and you could absolutely get paid to do this for other people!
Will you send me your e-mail address? I made my blog private today, and would like to add you to my list!
jilldalenb at hotmail.com
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