Happy October! Hopefully I can find some time to write a little more this month. My iPhone just fell in the toilet (pretty sure it's fine), so I was motivated to blog tonight. My biggest obstacle with blogging is my desire to just lie down with my iPhone and get to sleep at a decent hour. I'm almost always asleep by 11:30 these days which is a huge improvement. We've also seen some improvement with the weather here in Texas. It rained and cooled off today, and we have a lot to look forward to for this month of October!
The girls were cast as Party Girls for the Nutcracker Ballet this year! This is the role they've been dreaming of, and we are all thrilled that they get to do it together! On Saturday morning, they had fittings for their dresses, which are beautiful. They will get to dance in six performances over two weekends in early December: 2 school shows, 2 with a live orchestra, and then 2 shows on the last "family" weekend. They are dancing with a new company since we've switched ballet schools, and we've all made a lot of new friends. There is much more of a community feel here, and we are so happy it is working out. Mary Clare is also dreaming of pointe shoes come January since she is in a "pre-pointe" class this fall.

Steven Joseph is on his first soccer team. He has been a bit timid about it since he has never played before. His team seems to mostly be "newbies," so they are still learning the ropes. They play 3 on 3, with no goalie. Last weekend they lost their first game to a few of his t-ball buddies; I think the score was 0-12 or so. For their 2nd game this weekend, they actually scored a goal! We also had a couple friends on the other team. They had pictures on Saturday, but I didn't make it in time to take any with my camera like I usually do. Hopefully I can get a team shot at some point, maybe at the party at the end of the season.

The three youngest are also participating in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Montessori CCD program with our homeschooling group. Mary Clare and I have both been helping with the younger class. There are beautiful lessons of God's love for all of us there! The girls have 4-H once a month and Ellie is still taking weekly piano lessons. Finally, the girls and I are singing with the church choir most Sundays when we're in town. So we're keeping busy, though not too busy to have a lot of time at home and down time with Daddy on the weekends. I still need to document Daddy and Tommy's birthday dinner and Tommy's little party with family in Houston. I can't believe he is THREE!
Our computer crashed on Monday morning this week, after I'd spent quite awhile the night before researching online backup services and tried to install the uploader for one called Crashplan. Thankfully, Steven had just backed up all the photos to the external hard drive. But we were able to get the computer working again later in the week, and deleted enough files to make it work for now as we wait the TWO WEEKS or so that it will take to do this online backup program! I was able to load some of the Disney photos, but iPhoto is now having problems with editing, so we'll see if I can finally get some records up of our days at Disney sometime this week.
Oh and the baby? How could I forget to update on that? I am 18 weeks along today! I can feel some movement especially when I'm sitting still. My bloodwork all looked normal and my 16 wk appt went well, except that I'd gained quite a bit of weight. I knew I ate poorly at Disney, but figured all the walking would balance it out! I'm afraid the amounts of macaroni and cheese and pizza I've eaten this weekend are not going to help the scale any. I was hoping to start back to ballet this month, but I'm just not sure it will work out. I need to do some walking or something! At least I've been feeling well, I haven't needed much napping, and I'm getting a good amount of sleep each night. The big 20 wk ultrasound is in 2 weeks; we're all anxious to find out the identity of this little one!
I'm having a hard time getting motivated each morning and the kids are too. Our homeschool days have been kind of frazzled the past few weeks, so hopefully this week we can get it together and also enjoy some time outdoors since the weather might be pleasant for a few more days! I'm planning to document our day in photos and words tomorrow for Kendra's link-up. I've missed doing the link-ups each week and getting to encourage and be encouraged by other blogging moms. I stopped taking What I Wore Sunday photos this summer in early pregnancy. This was the first week in awhile I'd actually considered it, but felt more like putting on yoga pants than doing a photo shoot after Mass today! I'm also missing doing photography and the Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real link-up. With the computer on the fritz, I just haven't been able to take any photos except family events.
Well, it's my bedtime, soo here are my goals for this week. It's been awhile, but let's see how I do!
1. Wake up and smile at the kids each morning.
2. Start school by 9:30am
3. Blog goals: Homeschool Day in the Life, at least the First Disney Day, Starting a Co-Op
4. Computer goals: Keep erasing files and try to load Tommy's birthday photos.
5. Portion control at meals and sugar detox
6. Some kind of exercise...what will it be?
7. Potty training, don't lose heart!
8. Meals: Spaghetti, Baked Potatoes, Breakfast for dinner, something with chicken...???
Off to bed. Have a great week, everyone!
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