I think this was the first time to celebrate New Year's Eve with the girls! We spent the evening with the K family...
making Gingerbread houses
making Gingerbread houses
watching deer hunting videos and taking a little siesta

getting into the gingerbread house goodies

caught in the act!

playing dress-up for a "wedding"

coloring special 2009 glasses

and jumping on bubble wrap outside, their "fireworks"
after watching the ball drop at 11 in NYC

a fun night with fun friends!
Thanks K family!
Happy New Year to all of you as well! Jumping on the bubble wrap is such a cute idea. Our friends had real fireworks and my boys were terrified of the huge noises...they ran inside and watched from the windows. I think we'll go with bubble wrap next year! :)
Also, a huge happy birthday to your SEVEN-year-old daughter! I forget every year how close our firstborn 'baby' girls are...Aslynn is seven in February. Looks like a fun and girlie birthday. Tell me more about the fashion show birthday party! This sounds completely up Aslynn's alley...except I'm already planning a 'heart' themed party since her birthday party will be Valentine's weekend.
I was so sad to see in my last AG catalog that they were retiring Kirsten. I love her! Aslynn is trying to tell me that I 'need' an American girl doll of my own and that I should buy Kirsten and ALL of her accesories. :)
My sister-in-law and I are speculating that down the road someday they will bring the retired girls out of retirement (sort of like what Disney does with its videos that you supposedly will 'never be able to buy again.')
Oh, and I also think our little boys are probably really similar, so I can see Steven's confusion on the Christmas card. :) They seem to have the same spirit.
Wow, great pictures. It looks like you all had a great time. Happy New Year to your family.
Happy New Year! What a fun time!
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