My baby is in my lap, wide-eyed watching his sister gracefully dance around the room.
The sister who took a 5pm nap.
And who asked no less than 100 times today if we could please go to the grocery store so she could get some candy with the coins in her purse.
And who asked at 10pm if we had sprinkles for her next birthday. She is very ready to turn four. 8 months to go!
The baby turns to the computer and waves and claps, learning to move his hands and fingers. He is pleased.
I set him on the floor where he now army-crawls with both arms, straight to the huge red plastic baseball bat.
He is all boy.
He cannot get enough of the jarred baby foods which the girls had no interest in. Food, food, he wants it.
He finds every.little.toy.or.piece.of.trash. that is the size he could choke on.
Big sister sleeps soundly with her daddy.
After a weekend hubby swore we wouldn't ever have...2 birthday parties in one day!
She sprained her knee on an inflatable slide and had a trip to the ER which will be followed up by a trip to an orthopedist. Fun. She cannot walk. Only hops around the house.
Today was her feast day, St. Clare. I totally forgot until I read someone's blog tonight. But I did "make" a no-bake cheesecake so tomorrow I'll declare it was for her feast day. And try to do something else fun for the poor injured girl.
A strange man was knocking at the door this morning (I was still in PJs and 2 kids still asleep). He finally walked away and I called the police. Turns out he was a surveyor. Better safe than sorry.
Steven wants to grow out his hair for his hunting trip next month. It is so curly!
I have so many things to do and most importantly I am trying to prepare to start our official year homeschooling on Monday. Maybe I'll postpone it a week. But I'll try not to.
I need to go to bed.
But I need 2 kids to fall asleep first.
Some pictures from the cousins' house over the weekend:
I think this is the best toy ever. Even grown men were creating games with it the other night (no names mentioned here), so I had to find a 2nd one for the baby to play with. Houses with triplets have 2 of things like this.

He's cute even when crying, isn't he? Everyone keeps calling him a pretty boy. Hopefully he starts to look more boyish as he gets older!

Pirate cousins

Look out below!

1 comment:
We had a fun lunch with you all yesterday! SJ is getting so responsive to everone. It's fun to see his cute little personality. We are saying prayers for Mary Clare's leg to heal fast!
Love, Ne Ne and Pa Pa
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