This past Saturday, a friend we knew in college passed away in a helicopter crash in Iraq. Captain Sean Lyerly was in the Aggie Corps and Parson's Mounted Cavalry with Steven and on the SMYRT (St. Mary's Youth Retreat Team) with me. He leaves behind a wife and 3 year-old son. Please offer a prayer for his soul and for his family. He was a good Catholic, honorable soldier, and proud Aggie. I am so thankful that men like him are willing to make this great sacrifice for us to ensure our freedom and the freedom of other strangers throughout the world. Requiescat In Pace, Sean! You are a hero!
Wow! How sad, he was so young, and that little boy will miss his father so much. We will remember this family in our prayers.
Hi Blair, Melissa's husband here. I served from 1986 to 1994 - yeah, that was during the first Gulf War. Luckily I was never deployed, though I had to help prepare a number of my closest friends to deploy and go to the war.
As a strong supporter of the current war, as well as a vet with friends who have served in Iraq, I just want to offer my sincerest condolences and thanks to Sean's family. Undoubtedly, he knew the risks and was serving his country proudly, and it is people like Sean who demonstrate best what this country is all about - helping others. Not just here at home, but in places which have, for decades, found themselves under the subjugation of brutal tyrants, and want a chance to live and raise their families without fear. I just hope that his son will, someday, understand why his father was willing to put himself in danger - it is for something far greater that ones self.
I'm sorry, Blair, and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
They are in my prayers, Blair.
May God rest his soul and be with his family until they are reuninted in Heaven.
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