Wednesday, December 19, 2007


What a blessing I received tonight! It was a bit of a crazy afternoon, with my last OB appointment, then post-op paperwork and bloodwork at the hospital. I realized that one of the local parishes had evening mass and confession tonight, and we decided that I would go alone while Steven got the girls to bed. I was really hungering for those sacramental graces after missing Sunday mass (Ellie was sick) and knowing I will likely miss this Sunday and possibly even Christmas.

I got to the car ready to leave and it wouldn't start. I'd had it. My emotions were on edge and I couldn't believe that the one thing I really wanted to do before this baby arrived was not going to happen! But I told myself it was a sign that I needed to rest tonight. Then, my sweet husband ran outside and worked on the car for a minute (it's just some issues w/ the battery cable but I didn't want to risk getting stuck somewhere)..."Ready!" he yelled, and I was back on my way to mass.

I arrived at the church and realized it was a mass with music in the sanctuary (usually it's a short mass in the chapel). Then I noticed the oil on a small table near the altar and realized that the readings were not the normal daily readings...but special readings for a Healing Mass! I got to receive the Anointing of the Sick, as well as Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist! Confession was canceled so I missed out on that one, but I know the graces from these two sacraments and the beautiful healing words of the priests, the laying of hands, the anointing with oil, the scripture readings, and the songs will help me get through all the anxieties and worries about the delivery. Thanks be to God for this special gift!

And thank YOU all for your prayers and well wishes. They've really helped get me through these past few weeks and days, especially with the continuous contractions and thinking I was going to deliver early. Hopefully Steven will be able to update tomorrow or Friday with some pictures of our little man! Oh, and we're still undecided about a middle name for Peter and have even considered changing the name altogether. So don't be too shocked if he posts a totally different name for the baby!

Many blessings to you all! Oh, and if you could throw in a prayer for my mom who will now share her birthday with her grandson (and also just threw out her back), for my aunt who is recovering from back surgery this week, two of our triplet nephews who will get tubes in their ears on Friday, and for my cousin Ashley who is in a very difficult situation. Thanks so much!


Em said...

What a nice way to spend your last night before your new little one's arrival! So happy for you. Be assured of our continued prayers.

Anonymous said...

How about Peter Michael? :) I'm biased, it's my boyfriend's name!! :) Prayers for you, Blair!! :) -- Lauren Werda

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and praying for a peaceful delivery.

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