This little guy is nearly crawling. He can get on all fours, and can go from tummy to sitting, or even pull up on a short table or the side of the tub. He's loving his veggies...he's all about the peas, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes! He'll eat the fruits but not as well. He's still crying through the night and I'm hoping that's due to his teething or his tummy (from the antibiotics) and not a lingering ear infection. Big Baby was 23 pounds at the doctor last week!
Steven Joseph is almost all better! From pneumonia back to our feisty boy again! He's into all sorts of mischief as we're slow to recover and can't keep up with him. He will be more-than-ready to let out some steam when he's back at t-ball next week.
I have a feeling this gorgeous crepe myrtle is partly to blame for our issues. As soon as it started blooming...we started coughing!
This pretty girl has been very patient in waiting for her cough to subside. Doctor says the girls just have a virus. She's missed swimming and ballet and cousins' dance recital and even Sunday Mass, which made her so sad (I think I just need Jesus in me!). She's still having croup fits throughout the day and really bad at night, but hopefully we're on the tail end of it and can jump back into our fun end-of-year activities and parties very soon!
Ellie was the least sick of everyone but still had some coughing fits the past few nights. Right here I was telling her to please get OUT of the street. You can't see it well but she had a silly grin on her face. Oh my Ellie-girl...
We've been stuck indoors for awhile now...coughing, and coughing...and trying to rest up and get rid of our sore throats, runny noses, and miserable nights. The boys are nearly recovered from their ear infections and pneumonia after almost a week on antibiotics, but the girls and Mommy and Daddy all seem to have a coughing virus that is lingering. We're watching lots of shows, eating lots of popsicles, and making lots of messes around the house.
I wish I was a better sick-mom; I get so worried when they have these nighttime coughing fits. We haven't faced this croup stuff in about 2 years, and I hope we don't have to face it again anytime soon. The girls should've matured out of this, but I guess not quite...
Please pray for some healthy kiddos and parents!
But on a happy note...ARDEN IS HOME! Our sweet niece made it out of the hospital on Monday and will be having her heart condition monitored at home and by her doctors. Please pray that the medications will keep her healthy in the months ahead.
1 comment:
I LOVE those last two pics with the girls and the crepe myrtles. Beautiful, Blair!
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