Beehive! Our honeybees arrived on Saturday and seem to be doing well. Here are all my little beekeepers...

and a sweet dessert that our friends brought to celebrate bee day!
Goings-on around here...
Digging in the backyard dirt
and TRYING to finish these last few weeks of the school year! No one is in the mood, but we've got to get it done. Lots of our days just look like this with Mommy pleading with them to please finish lessons before Daddy gets home!

Thomas is such a happy boy. Today (7.5mos) his first tooth broke through, though not far enough for pics yet. These are from last week...

Steven and his buddy J hanging out at the park. They have lots of fun together. Whenever we're going to an event SJ wants to make sure J will be there!
Here was our after-birthday park celebration for Ellie with the pinata we forgot about at her party and the good friends who weren't able to be at the party!

I don't think I've shared here that our newest niece was born last week! Arden Rosalie (Rosalie was my grandmother's middle name) was welcomed by my brother Brice, his wife Allison, and big sis Addison! Sounds like she is doing great and we can't wait to meet her. We so wish they didn't live across the country :(

Prayer requests:
~Some friends are hosting a mother/daughter from Nicaragua since the little girl ("S" age 5) needed open heart surgery. She was very, very sick before the surgery, but seems to be recovering well.
~Tonight I've received a prayer request from friends for a new baby named Max born today who will need open heart surgery very soon.
~A friend's baby boy needs to undergo testing at the hospital tomorrow.
~This morning we attended a local daily mass, which happened to be said for the teenage neighbor of my parents who died suddenly in December. His mother was at the mass and I'm sure could use some prayers.
~We got a call today to schedule Steven Joseph's MRI in preparation for his open heart surgery later this year. May God give us strength on this heart journey.
Now for a weekend of...First Friday Little Flowers, ballet exams, watching our homeschool group's Shakespeare play, first t-ball game, and cousin's First Holy Communion! I'll be back next with Mary Clare's Communion pictures. Have a great weekend! And read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.
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