But this year we decided to have a nice family day and reflect on Christ's sacrifice and God's gift of creation at the Zoo! It was a little misty and very crowded but we still enjoyed the afternoon.
Ellie by the giraffes

Steven Joseph is still scared of many of the animals and spent much of the time crouched in the stroller!

Approaching the elephants

In the bird house, talking with Daddy about some of the different kinds of birds.

In a rush to get over and see the Komodo Dragon

I can't believe he got this close to it!

And finally, the aquarium tunnel is always a favorite activity

On Holy Saturday we went out for a nice breakfast buffet and spent most of the day cleaning the house! I changed out winter/spring clothes in the kids' closets and have nearly conquered the "sewing room" (ie laundry baskets and mounds everywhere). Of course, once the house was nearly clean it received an Easter explosion, but we're taking Easter Break this week so I can get a handle on things before starting school again.
The Easter Bunny was very generous this year (note that the dolls sit out with their own baskets or stockings now at holiday times). I'm sure she will learn to calm down next year. She has been known to go a little bit crazy at Target during holiday times.

Mary Clare apparently woke up at 2am and inspected everything. She got to work on a project she had in her basket and then woke her sister up to see the gifts before Mom and Dad realized what was going on! The girls wore sponge rollers, but Mary Clare took hers off during her 2am romp around the house, so hers didn't take.
But Ellie's did! She's enjoying her healthy Easter breakfast :)

Timber the dog also enjoyed a nice Easter breakfast, as he opened and devoured about 35 of the 45 eggs that were hidden in the backyard! His breakfast included fruit snacks, teddy grahams, mini Oreos and mini Chips Ahoy cookies. The kids really weren't all that upset, since they had the donuts and toys to keep them entertained! We'll have to give the Bunny a heads-up next year to either put the dog up or hide the eggs inside the house!

The guilty party with all his eggs (these were all hidden off the ground too! a talented dog!)

The girls sitting around playing with some crafts they got. Ellie was totally thrilled to get pom-poms and googly eyes; she's very easy to please!

SJ got a baseball and mitt. Here he's practicing with Daddy.

The Alleluia letters I made before Lent and strung on the mantle. Idea here on Catholic Icing. I also put up the Easter portrait of the kids.

An attempt at an after-Mass photo (SJ had been asleep)

A better shot in our front yard after Mass

We changed out of our Easter finest to head across town, but not before NeNe sent the kids on another little hunt in our yard...

special Easter surprises!

Aunt Mary once again hosted the B family extravaganza, complete with a big backyard egg hunt!

All the Houston area cousins, 11 0f them ages 8 and under! I'll be making it an even dozen this fall!

Checking out their loot

Steven Joseph gets into the "boy toys" with his cousins (Mini-transformer things, I think they're called Bakugans?)

Cousins finish off the day playing with Littlest Pet Shop animals in the yard!

We spent part of Easter Monday with our friends the K family, as they watched the kids while I had my 12 wk OB appointment. I came back to a pizza party, egg decorating, bubbles, and even an Easter production!

"He is Risen" video by the B and K kids:
Start watching around second 20 for the best part!
1 comment:
That looks like a wonderful Easter weekend! How fun to live close to so many cousins!!
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