Baby was moving around, flapping his/her arms, and even got the hiccups! It was so fun to watch and such a joy to see the baby at this stage in pregnancy. Previously I've only had early ultrasounds at around 6 weeks, then the mid-pregnancy ultrasound at 20 weeks. So this was my first time to see a little moving baby, measuring about 3.5 inches!
Here's his/her profile and hand with 5 fingers by the face.

Initially I couldn't really see the legs clearly, so she got a special shot of one of the little legs kicking. So cute!

So the question I get over and over again, "How are you feeling???" I admit I've been getting a little frustrated with this question recently. It's somewhat of a loaded question to ask a mom in the first trimester!
Honestly I've felt pretty crummy the past couple months. Not really nauseous, but more like exhausted, hormonal, emotional, irritable, and overwhelmed. I'm sure it's a combination of the 1st trimester pregnancy exhaustion, caring for a house with 3 kids and homeschooling, and hopefully the feelings have been exaggerated by the hormone supplement I've been taking to help prevent miscarriage (since I have a history of 2 early miscarriages). I say hopefully because I'm hoping now that I'm off the progesterone and entering the 2nd trimester, I'll start feeling more like myself again! I'm sure my family would love that!
This week we are taking "Easter Break" off school and I think that's definitely helping me to have a more positive outlook and a bit more energy without the daily stress of getting Mary Clare to do her schoolwork. I still have a bit to do with closet organization for Steven and I, and homeschool room organization, before I feel like I can jump back into the "homeschool mom" role again next week. I'm surely feeling a little better and starting to be able to go more days without my mid-day nap and 8:30 bedtime! Maybe you'll see me on the blog more often and possibly even writing some more articles soon.
One thing for sure, that little wiggly baby is worth all the discomfort and I hope my family will not be too traumatized by the emotional, irritable mother they've had for the past few months! I'm hoping that the next 6-or-so months will be filled with peace and excitement as we await the arrival of this sweet little blessing! Thanks for all your prayers and support!
I'm so excited for you and the baby, Blair! Praise God that he/she continues to grow and develop so beautifully.
You are in my continued prayers. I know how tough early pregnancy is, especially when you have three other little ones to care for. Take care of yourself the best you can!
Prayers coming your way.
That is an amazing picture of that little leg. Precious.
Also, I loved your Easter pictures!
Hi Blair! I left a comment for you on the idea room blog, but thought I'd hunt you down. Thanks for saying hello! And congratulations on baby #4! I saw pics that Nicole posted of your get together recently and it was fun to see faces of those I recognized. How did you know it was me from my married name?
Congratulations Blair! What a wonderful blessing to know your little one is thriving in utero! Prayers from Virginia for a continued healthy pregnancy. God bless!
Another cutie on the way. . . the kids will never remember how you act but will love that you brought home another person to love. They are good kids and they get it.
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