1 year
2 years
3 years old!
3 years ago this night we were anxiously awaiting that moment when Ellie-in-the-belly would be no longer. You finally arrived at 4:04 am, perfectly healthy and looking so much like your big sister! You have brought such joy and life to our family. I love your sweet little grin and your exploding excitement about everything. You are truly happy about every little activity or event, particularly this week finally being your "burt-date"! Oh how I love the cute way you say certain words; I'll have to write them all down before I forget! You are so kind and generous to others, and so helpful to Mommy. You are totally thrilled that you'll get to join in on Mary Clare's dance class tomorrow now that you're three. Oh what a day it will be! You already know all the moves and seem to run everywhere like a little ballerina.
Ellie, I thank God for the gift of my sweet second daughter and pray that he will guide you all your days. And may Mary be your model, teaching you to love her Son Jesus more and more each day! We love you, Elizabeth Ann Marie!
Some videos from the last few days
Celebrating your birthday on the camping trip
Playing Mass today
and Riding your new bike!
I can't even begin to pick a favorite video. Getting to celebrate with so many friends is so cool. Riding a new bike, so cool!!! The Mass video is so wonderful. Ellie loves her Christmas story for sure. It is one of my favorite Mass "readings" also. Happy Birthday little lady!
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
'Ellie in the belly' is the cutest saying. :)
happy birthday Ellie! I particularly like the Mass video!! She will love to look back on that some day!!
Happy Birthday Ellie!!
You do such an unbelievably awesome job with updates!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday sweet Ellie!!!! :)
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