"Those who exalt themselves will be humbled; those who humble themselves will be exalted." That was my favorite scripture when I first started college. Before then I didn't know what humility was or that it was even a virtue to be sought! Pretty sad. Right now I'm working on constancy. I tend to be very wishy-washy in my decisions. I dwell on them for days, I make a decision, I change my mind, then I always wonder "what if" I had chosen otherwise. Thankfully I have a pretty constant husband!
In seeking Christian maturity I know I need to discern big and small decisions alike, but I also need to be constant. I need to be confident and think on the present, not wondering and imagining the results that might have happened if I made another choice. I find myself agonizing on simple decisions like what to eat, bigger decisions like where I will spend my weekend, and really important decisions like where our family will live. But if I'm living in Christ's grace, open to the Holy Spirit's promptings, and trusting in God the Father, then I should not be worrying about little decisions. He cares for the birds and the fish, how much more he cares for me and will lead me in all I do!
Several of those other virtues are really important for me right now...thrift in managing our families finances, order and simplicity in our home, consistency in disciplining children, moderation in food...I could go on. Needless to say, I've got a lot of human virtues to work on! What are some virtues and ways to grow in them that you all have found?
Here are some pictures from this week: my sweet Ellie reading, the girls having fun and making a mess painting, and Mary Clare dressed as a princess. Lots of smiles :)

They look like they're having lots of fun. You are so going to love homeschooling should you choose that route. Belle is still dressing up and art days are coveted around here.
I love those paint brushes!
Yeah, those brushes with the paint in them are really great! And I loved how they were entertained for about 45 minutes and it took me all of 45 seconds to wipe off the table and chairs! Sometimes I hear moms comment on how they don't have the energy or patience to do messy art projects or playdough. But I think it's less work than lots of other activities because they're entertained for SO long!
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