Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My big girl.

We've had three days of our official new homeschool year, and unfortunately the mornings have gotten harder each day. Yesterday we had some whining and complaining once we got past the "fun" stuff, but today was an all-out refusal to do what was asked. The principal (aka Daddy) had to be called in, many tears were shed, and I ended the morning worried about what was to come.

But then we had the picnic. I'll have to do a separate post about the Miss/Mister Manners picnic to end this month-long program of our homeschool group. It was the sweetest little park day with all these precious children dressed so nicely and dancing together, playing games, reciting poetry, picnicking...

It really brightened the day!

But then we were back home and back to my homeschooling challenges. I've written a bit about my reading concerns with my sweet girl. Things just didn't seem to be clicking and I've spent the past few months researching and questioning friends, trying to pick the "perfect" phonics/reading program for this year.

I finally decided on the "Sound Beginnings" program. I ordered it last week from a Catholic yahoogroup for used homeschooling books. I also planned to get a set of the Catholic Children's Treasure Box books from the same seller. But at the last minute, I decided those were a bit too pricey, and not necessary. Before completing my order, though, I asked the seller about one other item she was selling that goes with Sound Beginnings, "The Early Reader's Bible."

Wouldn't you know...of all the hundreds of books in our house, the one that Mary Clare decided to pick up on her own and start reading tonight, page after page, with a happy attitude...

The Early Reader's Bible that I nearly didn't even purchase! I just started crying watching her read. She was so excited to read it herself, and the wording was so sweet, reminding children to thank God for all the things he created.

Tonight as I watched her fall asleep, I looked over and realized that I have a big girl now. A big first grader. And a big reader! I'm so proud of her. And I could tell she was so proud of herself!

God just wanted me to be able to say that her first book to read was the Bible, LOL! She informed me that she'll be reading my big Bible next...when she's in 5th grade, that is.


ViolinMama said...

How beautiful, and what an answer to prayer!!!!

Many hugs inspire me to homeschool...I loved this post. I need to look up your posts on homeschooling and add them to my inspiration list (I did one on Friday...)

Much love!

Melissa D. said...

love this!

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