Wednesday, November 16, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

{capturing the context of contentment in everyday life}

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter:

We are moved in, slowly unpacking, and starting to feel at home. Still no home Internet or working fridge, but hopefully by Friday we'll be set!

Before I get back to the boxes I'll leave you with... (all at the bottom and out of order due to iPhone blogging!)

Visited the PRETTY beach after the movers left today. HAPPY kids at our new house. FUNNY baby eating a page out of the hotel room-service menu (Apologies to our fellow hotel guests for our very loud children and screaming baby!). And REAL exhausted girls asleep in their room! We've survived a move!!!


Anonymous said...

Who knew the menu was so tasty? Hope you settle in quickly!

Melissa D. said...

congratulations!!!!! good luck with the rest of the boxes.

Lisa said...

I hope everything continues to go well!

Andrew Trott said...

We miss you already. Lauren started walking toward your house today while I was getting the mail! Glad to hear things are coming along.

In Everything said...

Awe;) I hope you get settled in soon...

We did the hotel thing for "fun" last week to go on a road trip with Daddy:)

I"m at the beginning side of moving... waiting for loans and then waiting for our house to be ready!!

I'm also a mommy of 4;) And a new follower;) Found you on {p,h,f,r}!

Colleen said...

the matching white beds are very sweet!

Leila said...

Moving is exhausting! glad you are past the worst!

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