I am so happy tonight. It's very late and I should be in bed. But I am very excited about a new homeschooling opportunity that I learned about tonight. There will be a local Classically Catholic Memory co-op starting nearby and it looks like it will be a wonderful fit for our family! It's only twice monthly and is similar to the protestant Classical Conversations program. I think it will give us all some new excitement for learning and me for teaching! We have gotten into a bit of a rut this year, just doing the basic minimum to get by. Now we'll get to do some extra enrichment learning with friends! I can't wait!~~2~~
Tom-Tom is eating finger foods now. And I think I can claim that he's officially crawling. He turns 9 months this week. He has now cut 4 upper teeth and is about to cut 2 more on the bottom. He is not napping well at all. Only if he's nursing. Today he took three 20-minute naps! I'm exhausted!
Have you seen that baby food that you can just squirt in their mouths? Pretty cool. Just wish they had veggies for my vegetable-loving baby!
"My Maria" (the housekeeper) saved me yesterday. The walls were closing in on me and I couldn't figure out how to even begin to clean my house. A kind gift was used for this very important sanity-saving outsourcing. It had been 8 weeks since she'd last made a visit. I think I can make it about 6 weeks before losing my mind. Housework is not my strength, if you haven't noticed.~~5~~


At a party today, he came in from swimming and said, "Is it time for the cake, or what?" And he wanted a picture of himself holding this Capri Sun up high. Thought it was hilarious. When he's not biting us or whacking Thomas and me with a football jersey, he's quite a charmer.
I've got to schedule his MRI for later this summer. Please pray for me. I have a little mental block at making this call and being one step closer to his open heart surgery this fall. I am just not ready to face this yet. Oh how it will be nice to have that giant hurdle behind us! (Update: scheduled the MRI for August, thanks for the prayers!)

Read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!
1 comment:
You must be talking about the baby food in capri sun type pouches right? I just bought my first pouches AND they (Plum organics with Boon) make spoons that attach to the spouts!!! It's so easy to have these on the go and feed one handed, literally! I'm guessing the spoon attachments are fairly new because I have yet to go somewhere where I'm not asked about them. Go BUY them!
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