This is part of the yard of scaffolding products that Steven operates!
I feel like our Lenten journey is coming to a close. Steven has just finished his big inventory which he was preparing for over the past months...working long hours all week, on Saturday, and even some Sundays has been trying on all of us. But we made it through!
We're excited to be going on a little family camping getaway and thrilled that Daddy will be taking vacation for a week! We'll enjoy some great family time, and then it will be on to Holy Week, during which we'll celebrate Ellie's birthday which falls on Good Friday this year. After Easter we'll be getting ready to celebrate Mary Clare's First Holy Communion on May 1st.
My body is feeling really weak today; hopefully it's just exhaustion and relief and not some kind of illness coming on! Please keep our family in prayer as we have this little week of rest and rejuvenation, and as we prepare for the different things coming up in the months ahead. I hope after Easter, I'll be able to write and blog a little more as we find a new internet provider with a consistent connection!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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