We have a Mockingbird nest in the little oak tree in our front yard.
The 3 babies are so cute and we're having some good science lessons watching the nest each day!

This: not so cute in our garage last weekend.
It was really big. Resident Animal Scientist says it's a skink.

This is the construction going on at the end of our street.
In a few months, it will be going on in front of our house, yikes!

But an advantage was that we got some free dirt to level out some of our backyard, and the kids had fun playing on the dirt hill in the driveway, and now in the dirt mounds in the backyard!

Boys' room now has (used, cheap, Craigslist) bunk beds! Steven Joseph has actually slept in his own room all night a few times! It's fun to be decorating this room for brothers :)

Facebook friends have seen these last two...
This is Thomas hanging out in his laundry basket at the dance school!
He's now starting to pull up, so I can't use this basket for baby containment much longer.

And some directions for the tooth "farey" after she forgot to visit one night.
There's a spot for the dollar and an obvious spot for her to find the tooth!

See more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!
We have a Mockingbird nest in the little oak tree in our front yard.
The 3 babies are so cute and we're having some good science lessons watching the nest each day!
This: not so cute in our garage last weekend.
It was really big. Resident Animal Scientist says it's a skink.
This is the construction going on at the end of our street.
In a few months, it will be going on in front of our house, yikes!
But an advantage was that we got some free dirt to level out some of our backyard, and the kids had fun playing on the dirt hill in the driveway, and now in the dirt mounds in the backyard!
Boys' room now has (used, cheap, Craigslist) bunk beds! Steven Joseph has actually slept in his own room all night a few times! It's fun to be decorating this room for brothers :)
Facebook friends have seen these last two...
This is Thomas hanging out in his laundry basket at the dance school!
He's now starting to pull up, so I can't use this basket for baby containment much longer.

And some directions for the tooth "farey" after she forgot to visit one night.
There's a spot for the dollar and an obvious spot for her to find the tooth!

See more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!
My son and I saw a skink at the Church - outside the Chapel - a little while ago! I thought it was a BIG lizard but it looked much like your picture!
It ran? slithered? skinked? skank? away from us and disappeared in between the railing and cement of the sidewalk.
I was torn between fascination and "ewwww!" LOL :-)
we have a little birds nest with new birds too! so sweet, and new ducklings out in the pond.
Also, we had a monster (in my opinion) lizard/gecko/skink at our house list week. gross. I hate skinks, you know they are carnivors. we had two living in our mailbox a couple of years ago. gross, gross! I had to pull the mail out and throw it to the ground to make sure there was nothing on it! I don't like "things." :)
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