Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Naughty Stevie

Blue marker tip in the mouth

Green marker tip in the mouth

Purple lipgloss

This boy keeps me on my toes!

And you should've seen the diapers
on the days following this incident
Add in about 10 bites of crayon,
Makes for a rainbow poo!


Andrea said...

I am literally laughing out loud! He is SO cute! I can totally relate on the marker tips! It seems like all of my girls have done that...this is a marker free zone now (except for my personal stash!). hahaha

kelly said...

But he's still so cute!

These situations are veeery familiar around here...

Colleen said...

Too funny!!

Kristen said...

Now Blair, shouldn't you be watching him more closely?! Ha! Austin frequently comes home from work and says "Isn't that a choking hazard?" (I need to be a little more cautious!) as soon as he sees Gloria and what she is playing with/chewing on. #3's just need a good guardian angel, right?!

Kimberly said...

You like that are great for later...when he brings home a girl, you can break those out and totally embarass him.

Neen said...

He is too much!

Catherine said...

Nothing like washable crayons and markers! Put them in a baby's mouth and they turn to mush! We've got that here too!

B-Mama said...

Looks like a boy has entered the picture, indeed! Blessings to you all!!

Elizabeth said...

Yep, yep, very familiar!! Too cute, Blair!

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