6am Wake up with Steven to make his lunch. Allow myself to “rebag” (during this transition at least)
Mon-Yes, Tues-No
7:30am Morning prayers and meditation
Sort of
8am Morning chores w/ girls: get dressed, brush teeth, make beds, put in laundry, unload dishwasher if needed
Yes to all but dishwasher today
8:30am breakfast
Yes, except me (I'm not a breakfast person)
9am schooltime: lessons w/ Mary Clare, reading to Ellie, etc
Mon-No, Tues-Yes
10am playtime for kids, breaktime for mommy
Of course :)
11:30am start preparing lunch
Mon-Yes, Tues-late
12noon Angelus and lunch
12:30pm Chores: laundry, tidying
1pm REST
N/A to the rest here...yesterday we went to the park and had make-up dance class, today we have dance, yesterday we had leftovers and today we'll eat w/ my parents
3pm Play with kids
4pm Dinner prep
5pm House clean up
6-7pm (when Steven gets home) Dinner
7:30pm kitchen cleanup
8pm baths and pjs
8:30pm books and bed
Kids in bed by 9pm, me in bed by 11pm
Yes to this so far!
Other things to work on:
~Laundry-(Veronica's method) Put a load in each morning, don't worry about sorting. Hopefully this will help keep me down to ~1 load a day, besides diapers every few days
~Kitchen-clean and sweep each night, wipe down table after all meals, swiffer wetjet once a week
~Bathrooms-clean kids' bathroom when bathing them, master bath once a week
~Dishes-run each night, unload each morning
~Kids-dress before breakfast and brush teeth in morning (we always forget this), they help with a few chores in morning and afternoon
~Internet-remember how easy it is to get sucked in! Quick early morning check after making Steven's lunch. Then no internet until 10am, after prayers, breakfast, and chores!
~Night routines for kids-bathe and PJs by 8:30, then books and going to bed in their bed! Ours is getting too crowded with 5 people!
And some pictures from our park outing yesterday (and the Moby is perfect for the park!):

FWIW, I don't sort my laundry either!! I just throw it in. IF I do sort, its by person, not colors. That way, when I pull it of the dryer, I can put it in a basket for a child to fold and then put away. Its easier if I only give them their own clothes.
Except towels!! I do wash towels separate from clothes.
Good luck with your new schedule!!!
Also, what does "rebag" mean???? Totally confused on that term?
You might check out motivatedmoms.com. I am pretty naturally organized but I am so impressed with the download I paid for. Email me if you want some info or ideas.
It's great to hear how you're doing.
By the way, LOVE the new banner. Two sweet pinks and a baby blue!
Blair, can't wait to hear how you like the planner! I'm inspired to get one too... Prayers for your new schedule and goals, mom of three!!
Attention please!
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