I didn't get many pictures, but here is Mary Clare passing out Valentines.

And some fun Steve-O pictures to leave you with tonight...
My smiley snuggle-bug all cozy in his co-sleeper

Not quite big enough for the exersaucer yet!

Don't you just want to eat him up?

Prayer request updates:
Baby Khloe is out of the CardiovascularICU and in her own room! She's nursing, off the ventilator, and off many of the other tubes and wires! But there is a new concern about a different syndrome she might have, so please pray that she does not have it!
My kids are doing so much better! Still a few coughs and sniffles, but I think we're almost back to normal!
Finally, some friends-of-friends and NFP teachers in our city delivered their 3rd child, a baby boy named Benjamin, yesterday. Benjamin had aspirated meconium and had a knot in his umbilical cord; he was full-term but preemie size. He passed away last night. Please keep this family in prayer. We met them at a birthday party a few months ago. I can't believe they have lost their baby :(
Thanks for all your prayers!
We've met those same NFP teachers before (also friends of a friend at a birthday party!) and it was so heartbreaking to hear of their loss. They have definitely been in my prayers.
I'm glad your family is feeling better!
We have that same exersaucer. We got it at a thrift store, but actually liked it better than some of the 'newer' models.
He looks so cute and snuggly in that photo. I bet you can't get enough snuggling with that little guy.
Glad you had a great Valentine's Day. When I read the description of the weather I thought I was in the summer archives or something. Wow!
Sorry to hear about the loss for that NFP teaching couple. I have seen their names around the blogosphere. They must be a neat family. I will put them in my prayers.
I can't believe how big Steven is. Abby wasn't gaining weight very quickly and she was only 6 lbs 6 oz at her last weight check a few weeks ago. Steven looks huge compared to her!
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