(with random photos from around the house this morning)
I am thankful...for our new home that offers everything I've always wanted. I am still in disbelief that we are here in this lovely place. I'm thankful for Steven's job and this little place online where I can write and connect with other moms.

In the kitchen...is leftover grilled steak and chicken today! We eat a lot of tortillas, buying them raw at HEB. A tasty watermelon is almost gone, but gives me a little taste and reminder of the summer months to come!
I am wearing...my favorite Target jeans and tennis shoes, my new pink tee from Kohl's and a tan sweater. Today is a ballet day so I'll probably put on some jewelry and makeup before we go. I'm still recovering from the early wake-up for 5:30am Zumba!

I am creating...thoughts in my head about what I want this Lent to be. I'm creating a bright environment here in our new home, and will hopefully get to put together our schoolroom/dining room in the next week or two. Doing schoolwork around moving boxes for months at a time just isn't bright and beautiful. I'm also creating ideas about a new blog header and maybe even a different name. And I'm creating ideas for another Valentine Breakfast for my greatest loves Thursday morning!
I am going...to ballet this evening. I'm going to tell them that we won't be participating in the recital, which was a hard decision for me and will result in a very sad little ballerina girl. After their big Alice in Wonderland ballet we'll take a ballet break and possibly start swim team and maybe a new dance school this summer.
I am wondering...who our new Pope will be! What a surprise to wake up to emails and Facebook messages this morning about the upcoming resignation of our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. I trust that this holy, humble man has the best interests of the Church at heart and that he is following God's will for his life and the life of the Church. Still it is somber news to prepare for him to step down.

A favorite quote for today...from Scott Hahn. St. Celestine V, pray for us!
Back on April 29, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI did something rather striking, but which went largely unnoticed.
He stopped off in Aquila, Italy, and visited the tomb of an obscure medieval Pope named St. Celestine V (1215-1296). After a brief prayer, he left his pallium, the symbol of his own episcopal authority as Bishop of Rome, on top of Celestine's tomb!
Fifteen months later, on July 4, 2010, Benedict went out of his way again, this time to visit and pray in the cathedral of Sulmona, near Rome, before the relics of this same saint, Celestine V.
Few people, however, noticed at the time.
Only now, we may be gaining a better understanding of what it meant. These actions were probably more than pious acts. More likely, they were profound and symbolic gestures of a very personal nature, which conveyed a message that a Pope can hardly deliver any other way.
In the year 1294, this man (Fr. Pietro Angelerio), known by all as a devout and holy priest, was elected Pope, somewhat against his will, shortly before his 80th birthday (Ratzinger was 78 when he was elected Pope in 2005). Just five months later, after issuing a formal decree allowing popes to resign (or abdicate, like other rulers), Pope Celestine V exercised that right. And now Pope Benedict XVI has chosen to follow in the footsteps of this venerable model.
I am looking forward to...our Nature Club on Valentine's Day and a house blessing here on Friday. We are considering hosting weekly Friday Night Stations of the Cross and potluck meals here at our house. I'm torn because I don't want to take away from the life of our parish, but I love the idea of doing more devotions as a family, with other families, and I know we wouldn't make many of the Friday night Stations at church. I've seen lovely ideas of candlelight Stations in the backyard and we have been enjoying sharing our firepit with friends over the past few weeks.
Around the house...clean laundry is piling up and the upstairs bedrooms are quite a mess. But for my temperament, it's nice to have the kids' rooms and playroom upstairs so the messes don't stress me out so much! Later this week, we'll do some major cleaning up for our house blessing.
One of my favorite things...bubble baths. I have been waiting years for a bathtub! The boys must have spilled their shampoo in the tub, so this morning I had a huge amount of bubbles!
A few plans for the rest of the week...ballet, Valentines Breakfast, Nature Club, Atrium, House Blessing, and maybe a trip to Austin to pick up a table!
My goals from last week:
2. Daily readings on Laudate
4. Workout 2x
6. Laundry
7. Valentines prep
8. One daily mass
9. Sewing plans...master curtains
10. Meals: out for bday, spaghetti, breakfast for dinner, enchiladas, baked chicken, chicken salad
Eesh, didn't complete many of those! I cooked other things and didn't make a daily mass or workout. Lots of ideas for better goals during Lent...
Goals for this week:
1. Bills, update budget
2. Daily readings on Laudate
3. Decide Lenten commitments
4. Workout 3 times
5. Valentine Breakfast
6. House blessing and Stations-Email and also email for Essential Oil party
7. Plans for Nature Club
8. Ash Wednesday Mass
9. Meals: leftovers, beef and broccoli with leftovers, pizza, rotisserie chicken crockpot into casserole, 2 meatless meals! (potato soup?, potluck)
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