Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mom Cave

Come and listen to a story 'bout a mom named Blair,

Raising four kids, so time for herself was rare,

But then one day while folding laundry,

She had an idea that would set her mind free.

A "mom cave," that is. No more junk room, but something pretty.

With curtains, pictures, lamps, and some nice décor,

She could turn this room into something much more,

So that on those days when she really needs a break,

She can go into her "cave" and some projects she can make!

To sew and craft, that is. Read or pray. Enjoy her mom cave every day.

After a long day of homeschool, she could jump into the car,

Down the street to HomeGoods, it’s hardly very far,

Instead of garage sales and thrift stores, she could buy new stuff and rave,

That with her new gift card she could make a mom cave!

Thanks, y'all. Here's the Mom Cave link party!


kate blue said...

very very creative!~

Roberta said...

Okay Blair...now I have the theme song from the "Beverly Hillbilies" in my head...thanks ;) Very fun and creative and oh yes you need some organizers for sure...but time would be nice first right? With being so busy with all those kiddos. Best of luck, fondly, Roberta

Anonymous said...

Very very creative. Good luck with the contest.
How about a mix of old and new stuff?

Nicola said...

Congratulations on winning the contest Blair!!!

Your submission is great - although I have that theme song stuck in my head now.

Enjoy your well deserved prize.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Very cute ditty! Love it! And congrats on winning!

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