today was quite a day! while miss maria was doing her magic at the house, we....homeschooled at the park, went to hobby lobby, the bank, the schoolhouse store, took MC to pickwick (her little homemaking class), gas station, took the others to visit nene and papa, picked up MC, went to walmart, and went to target! whoa. i survived that! how am i still awake at midnight?
i keep hearing people raving about the picnik photo editing site. so i tried it tonight. makes my iPhone photos look a little more artsy :-)
daddy and tommy doing his "oohh" face

my peaceful room when it's clean.
i don't think i ever shared a photo of my glider rocker at the right.
i found it used nearby, ended up being a lady selling all her baby stuff because she had just separated from her husband. so sad. we're bringing new joy to the glider rocker :-)

better go crawl into that place right now! night night.
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