Our days are filled with:

Broken statues

this little man should wear a helmet 24/7

eating math manipulatives

chasing after girls at the museum


can you guess where this sand ended up?

eating dog food

found this in his mouth

and his worst find yet=

one call to poison control and a few hours of anxiety
making sure he was okay

That's what this little boy is made of!
(and unfortunately his mom is smitten by him and sees it so cute that she finds a camera in these dire situations...)
All boy alright! I don't think I could have been ok with your brother those years without the big wooden square playpen! I wish they still made those!
Glad he is ok - that's the main thing.
Love Ne Ne
The first three pics make me think he might grow up to be a heroic firefighter.
(...hmm, wonder if he'll be responding to 911 calls to save children choking on small parts???)
Steven Joseph you are quite a cutie (a *mischievous* cutie!)
I wuv you!
Mrs. K
Yep, that's what little boys are...noise with some dirt on 'em!
Oh man Blair, you are earning graces, let me tell you (and earning extra for Steven).
He sure is cute...
Hi Blair! William drank some hand sanitizer when he was a baby too. That was my first of many calls to Poison Control (my latest have all been from my little girl though!!).
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