Mary Clare turned 6 in January. She is growing so much, and looks so tall and thin to me. She enjoys trying to find the perfect pose to have me take her picture, and really likes to take random photos of objects around the house! She loves playing with her dolls. I thought she'd be spending all her time playing with her American Girl doll, but I think she still prefers the baby dolls. She's learning each day to be more generous with her toys, to share with her siblings, and to be obedient. She loves getting to take a "thorn" out of our Lenten crown for good deeds. I know Jesus is so happy to see all the love she is showing and the ways she is growing!
The past few months have shown some major progress in our homeschooling endeavors. I put away some of the "textbooky" stuff for a month or two and now she is so much more willing to do it! I think we're on lesson 65 of 100 Easy Lessons, and she is reading more fluently each day. We're still on "break" from Math U See, trying to master the 8 and 9 addition facts before moving on. Yesterday we bought a big Atlas Activity pack with posters, maps and stickers, which she is really enjoying!
When she looks back on her 5th and 6th year, I'm sure this knee injury, surgery, and recovery will be a big part of her memories. I am so proud of the way that she has undergone so much pain and so many challenging situations. I know it has made us all much stronger and helped her to mature in ways that she might not have otherwise. Today she started physical therapy and did great! By the end of the 1-hr session she had already gained a few degrees of motion in her knee. She'll have lots of exercises and checklists to complete at home too. We're hopeful that after the prescribed 6-8 weeks of physical therapy she'll finally be back to normal after a long 9 months with this injury!
Mary Clare enjoys getting together with her homeschool friends and her cousins. She is doing well in her "Little Flowers" class and is looking forward to joining the swim team and finishing the year of ballet class with the recital in June. She loves spending time at her NeNe's house, especially now that baby Addison is living there! She does all sorts of crafts and artwork at NeNe's; recently she has enjoyed making beaded jewelry and threaded friendship bracelets. She also loves to help me cook! Pancakes are her favorite thing to help with right now, although she is always anxious to help me with whatever I'm making!

Mary Clare, I'm so proud of you! I have been so blessed to spend these 6 years by your side, living and learning together. You are a very smart and thoughtful little girl. Daddy and I are always amazed at how you pick up on things; you are very insightful. You love making cards for other people and putting together special little gifts, like our paper roses for Valentine's Day which you wrapped in tissue paper! I look forward to this spring and summer time and all the fun things we will do together, enjoying this wonderful world God made for us! I am so happy that he made a beautiful girl like you, and that he chose me to be your mother. I love you.
To our sweetest Mary Clare, we love you so dearly.
Love, Ne Ne and Pa Pa
Mary Clare is an awesome girl! I am glad that her leg is doing better!
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