Organization update: I did order Confessions of an Organized Housewife for a penny (and $4 shipping), thanks to the recommendation! We'll see if it helps. I'll try to write a review soon :) I have yet to really get busy with my new planner, but I hope to sit down and work on that over the next week. The laundry method is still working well. I can't believe how much this is helping. I felt like I did a load a day before but I'm sure I skipped a few days each week, and the backup then gets worse and worse. No skipping days!!! Yesterday we cleaned the playroom. Today was supposed to be the schoolroom and the bookshelves but daily mass, the park concert, and the Rodeo have kept us busy! I don't think we've eaten out since the furniture auction Sunday, although Steven probably has because I've only made his lunch once this week so far. Speaking of furniture, we are getting really worn out with this leather sofa search. But I'm convinced that it will be the right material for our family (after reading a blog today about someone's sons peeing twice on their new couch), and I know the right set is out there somewhere...just finding it is the hard part. It's now been about 2 months of searching...please Lord, I know it's just furniture and totally silly in the grand scheme of things, but my visual tendencies are really messed up in our living room and I'd so love to get this checked off the list! Soon, hopefully!
Another new plan for me is Wednesday morning daily mass. I hope to make a morning mass once a week with the kids, and today was our first in a long while! It was great to see some other homeschooling families, and was easier since we're usually up by 7:30 these days. We have yet to do any schoolwork, but at least the house is somewhat clean! Steven also went into the attic to get the 6-9 month boy clothes last night!!! Yep, that's our big boy! Really it's just the bigger onesies that we need, but I really am amazed at how quick they grow!
Okay, better get dinner in the oven before we head off to the Rodeo. Hopefully I'll have some Rodeo pics up tomorrow. Have a good evening everyone!
I second the leather furniture. After getting couch and chairs in July I have pretty much decided that we are NEVER doing any kind of fabric upholstery again. With kids (and pets) it just gets gross. The leather feels as nice today as it did when it came in the door... and it has had all sorts of grossness on it - but it all just wipes clean. I love it! I don't know what your budget is but Costco has really nice quality furniture and you don't have to have a membership. We got our leather couches from them and have been really pleased.
Hang in there with the furniture search... it will all be worth it in the end!
Hee Hee! That would be my sons peeing on my couch. We have microfiber and it's not too bad as far as stains go- they come right out. But I'm sure the fluids get soaked right in. So, leather is probably a great choice. I hope you have success in finding the right thing for your living room!
Regarding the baby pictures below...wow! What a resemblance. And all SO cute!
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