It's tiring being so cute!

Look at those sweet big cheeks and lips!

Ah, comfy sleeping in Grampatti's arms

Kiddos at Grampatti and Bop-Bop's

His first time in a cloth diaper! Yay for Mommy, making the big leap!

FYI--The Christmas tree is finally boxed up!

For Emily's enjoyment...next on the cleaning agenda (before we have a meeting here tomorrow, yikes!)

I'm enjoying reading your updates about your family and have been meaning to write on here. I love all the pictures and video clips of the kids! So you're using cloth diapers now? I started using them for Kenny when he was about 4 months old. I'm very happy with mine. What type/brand are you using?
Yay for cloth! I have both Colette and Gabrielle in cloth and I *love* it! He looks so sweet! What kind are you using?
About the cloth diapers...
Mary Clare was in prefolds w/ pins and pull-on pants almost exclusively until potty-training. Ellie was in the same but for just a few months, except when we left the house. And now she's pretty much potty-trained..hip hip hoorah! Our goal is to get to "solids" in cloth (when the diapers start to get challenging), but I'll probably use disposables when we're out and about.
Right now he's in a Motherease All-in-One...Lillian gave me her stash! Thanks again, Lillian! The ones from her and the couple that I have will last me about a day...other than that he'll be in prefolds. I've got to go buy some more pins for them though!
I really don't like using cloth, it's more a financial thing, and a hubby thing ;) so we'll see how long I last. Keep up with the encouraging words, LOL!
Thanks, Blair! You're AWESOME!
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