I remember when Mary Clare was just born, and feeling like I couldn't really enter into Lent because it was such a joyful time with a new baby. In the same way, I feel like our own family has just come out of our Lenten journey and have started our new joyful life here in our new home. I guess that's even more of an opportunity for me to make little sacrifices, take on new prayer commitments, and seek out little chances of personal mortification...all for love of Him who loves me so!
I was also thinking of today and the black ashes I'll receive on my head. I put on a black shirt to get me in the Lenten attitude. But I also was remembering my friend Stephanie and how she wore pink and white to her sweet Mary Clare's funeral last summer. I thought it was a true sign of hope. And that's what Lent should be for me this year...a sign of hope, the hope of Easter, the hope of the Resurrection, the hope of Heaven.
I finished painting the school room in the yellow color. It's a bit bright but I think it will look alright once we put things on the wall and later paint the playroom next to it. Here's what I'm working on right now, trying to find places for the alphabet, maps, number charts, and calendar.

And here's what I've been working on with Mary Clare this week, practicing letter sounds and strokes, addition, reading her BOB books, and you can also see the artwork (Jesus on the cross) she likes to do in my prayer journal.

Finally, for Kolbe (one of our house's previous residents who wants to see his old room!), here's where we've moved the computer, to a spare bedroom so it's not in our main living room. We choose not to have a T.V., so it's kind of silly to keep our computer w/ DVD player in the living room, just what we're trying to avoid!

And a little prayer request...if you could please offer a prayer for my aunt who is in a very challenging situation, and for her (grown) daughter who is mentally ill, profoundly deaf, and homeless. And also a little prayer for our discernment in a related issue. Thanks!
Happy Lent to all!
Praying now for your special intentions!
WOW! Your school room is really coming along! I'm glad you're putting all your teacher supplies to use! Can I borrow some?!
Kolbe didn't recognize his room!! He didn't think it was his! But he was glad to see the picture. The computer threw him off. I think he was expecting to see it with all his furniture. ;-)
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