Catching up with photos and some videos of the kids and their end-of-year activity celebrations.
Here is Steven Joseph right after he hit his first homerun at the last game of the season! I can't remember if I wrote about it here, but he just kept running and running, even when the fielders started chasing him from 2nd base on, and the coaches told him to stop! The stands were yelling and roaring in laughter and I only wish we would've gotten video of it!
But I do have a video of him playing short stop. He is constantly out there practicing, pretending he's catching the ball, tagging the runner, spinning in circles, running around. We all love watching him do this! He's the one in the middle moving around.
Here he is with his team members at their end-of-year party. They had a great time playing on the playground, then getting treats and trophies!
Coach Robert with some encouraging words about each player as they got their trophies
Texas Rangers Little League T-Ball Spring 2013, with the coaches.

We had a Show and Tell End-of-Year Party with our homeschooling group that same weekend. We enjoyed watching all the kids perform their skits and dances and everything. Ellie played her piano pieces...
Steven happily recited "Happy Thought" by Robert Louis Stevenson
And Mary Clare recited "Foreign Lands" by Robert Louis Stevenson, including some cute props that she made, there in the basket!
And Ellie also had her piano recital last weekend! She played "Hello to the Drum"
(Sorry, videos got focused wrong and are of her back, but I'm just glad MC offered to be my video helper!)
(Sorry, videos got focused wrong and are of her back, but I'm just glad MC offered to be my video helper!)
and "Evening at the Ballet"
Receiving her certificate

So proud of our big kids!
It was a whirlwind weekend, but we're glad to have finished their spring activities and have a little break while we decide what we'll be doing this summer! We were a bit sad to miss out on a ballet recital this year, but glad they got to perform in two full-length ballets. Hopefully in another week or two, they'll start some lessons at their new ballet school. Piano will start back up in mid-June. It looks like we'll be taking a break from swim team this summer, but we should be doing at least one VBS, and hosting lots of friends and family coming to visit. Should be a great one!
Bring on Summer 2013!
1 comment:
They all look so "accomplished," you know, the way young ladies were supposed to be in Jane Austen novels. End of year activities are such a relief to me, and I think I always feel more a sense of accomplishment than the kids do.
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