Monday, April 22, 2013

Statuary Fun

On the way to our college town, we'd always drive by a huge statuary and would always want to stop, but there was never time.  I've felt the same way since moving here, every time we pass this statuary in Sinton, Texas. 
For once we weren't in a hurry and could stop and look at all the beautiful statues!  We bought a statue of Our Lady, which I'm so excited about!  Finally we can have a little Marian area in our yard and can hopefully have a May Crowning this year!
The kids were fascinated by all the statues.  Mary Clare wasn't ready to leave and wanted to walk around longer.

I love how the girls brought their dolls on this outing! 

So, so many statues.  And benches.  And fountains.  Animals and saints, and everything you could imagine!

I love these heavenly baby statues, and I think they would be a wonderful little memorial for a miscarried baby.

They had lots of painted statues as well.

And of course in Texas, we have this!

And even big painted tomatoes!
Here's where our Blessed Mother currently stands, awaiting a special area in the yard I'm hoping to pretty-up these next few weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cool place! I like the Heavenly Babies too...

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