Wednesday, April 17, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

round button chicken
~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

and also cheating again and joining Theme Thursday,
photography at Clan Donaldson!

Some photos taken by Mary Clare (age 10) at one of our favorite parks
in The Woodlands during our Spring Break visit.

More Mary Clare pics.
What could be happier than bluebonnets 
in Texas in the Spring?
 always a Texas flag

 I never thought I'd miss pine trees!
I guess it's that feeling of being surrounded by a forest that I miss.

and also "BOYS" for Theme Thursday.

The longing...
Can you guess what they're watching?
 We were at a birthday party at the park,
but they spotted a father and son fishing.
I had to drag Tommy away screaming.
These boys LOVE to fish!

and another boyhood longing...
while big brother and cousins were practicing t-ball in Houston.
He wanted to be a part of it all!

This gal has some real holes in her ears!

And this gal really loves to climb trees!

These are some other real shots by Mary Clare...
A lizard in our backyard

And a very interesting plant in our front yard.
Anyone know the name?
Edited (Thanks, Maryanne) that of course I knew this was a Bird of Paradise!
(I know nothing about plant and flower names,
maybe we need to study Botany next!)


Mary said...

The last flower is a Bird of Paradise. Pretty!


Anonymous said...

Those are great shots! I realized I do miss pine trees when we moved to Austin. There are different evergreens here, but not quite so tall and limber as the pine trees of east Texas. And bluebonnets... who doesn't miss those?

Blair said...

Oh thanks Maryanne! I've heard of those before but am totally unfamiliar with plant and flower names. Time to learn!

Rebecca said...

WOW~! Your daughter sure can take a mean photograph!!! They are all stunning!

And oh my goodness- to be right inside those bluebonnet pictures!

Rebekah Es said...

Mary Clare is amazing! What a great hobby to get into at such a young age! Props to the earrings girl!

Anonymous said...

The longing for fishing. Love it. Great pics. =)

Anonymous said...

Your daughter sure is a talented photographer! Beautiful pics!


Modest Mama said...

I love the fishing photo. That's love!

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS PHOTOS!!! We recently were in Texas but missed the blue bonnets! :/ Grr. :) I had to chuckle about your little rhyme about yourself! CUTE! :) You're a poet and didn't know it! ;) :D


Micaela Darr said...

Those boy shots are so sweet. You did capture the longing, just offscreen.

And I agree: your daughter is a budding photographer.

Leila said...

Great pictures! Your kids are so cute!

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