to the baby gear :( It's so hard to put away baby clothes and gear, knowing my little one is growing up so quickly! But hopeful that we'll be able to use it again one day. I can't imagine how emotional it would be for those who really get rid of things, knowing they'll never have more children. We have no idea how many more children I'll be able to bear after all the difficult c-sections, but are very interested in adoption and hope to be blessed with several more children in God's great timing and design.
But for now, the bouncy chair, swing, exersaucer, and the 0-6 month clothes are up in the attic, waiting for another little baby one day!
The glider, on the other hand...my beloved glider from my dear friends....it will have to retire :(
RIP Oh dear denim glider rocker

I remember the days with Mary Clare in-utero
Spending my time browsing through baby stores
Dreaming of my new little joy and being a mommy
My friend Olivia and I would glide together
Trying out all the sample glider rockers
She with her little boy, and me with my girl
Waiting to meet them in person
A few weeks before Mary Clare made her appearance
I was put on bedrest for the remainder of pregnancy
Unbeknownst to me, Olivia and her mom's prayer group
had been planning a surprise shower
So when I got back from the doctor,
sad that I now had a complicated pregnancy
and would be forced to lie down all day
I was greeted by these sweet prayerful friends
And with them they brought along with them...
a gift I knew we couldn't afford to buy...
but my most desired baby item...
a glider rocker and footstool!
We rocked with Mary Clare, with Ellie, and Stevie
Glider has seen nursings, spitups, and more
Injuries from children who use her as a play structure
Her pockets have seen pacifiers, snacks, toys, and more
Her denim has been stained by all sorts of things
Still she rocked on
But the glider's days have been numbered
We've tried repairs
We retired the footstool long ago
Her cushions are ripped and won't stay on
Her spools are breaking off
Her screws are missing
If you sit on her, watch out!
You might just fall out the back!
So out she went last night
Into the backyard
So Steven could move her to the garage
But he must have forgotten
And alas! The rain came down this morning
And now our poor old rocker
is drenched and cold and alone
Such a sad sight!
Rest in peace, my dear glider rocker
You've done us good.
Spending my time browsing through baby stores
Dreaming of my new little joy and being a mommy
My friend Olivia and I would glide together
Trying out all the sample glider rockers
She with her little boy, and me with my girl
Waiting to meet them in person
A few weeks before Mary Clare made her appearance
I was put on bedrest for the remainder of pregnancy
Unbeknownst to me, Olivia and her mom's prayer group
had been planning a surprise shower
So when I got back from the doctor,
sad that I now had a complicated pregnancy
and would be forced to lie down all day
I was greeted by these sweet prayerful friends
And with them they brought along with them...
a gift I knew we couldn't afford to buy...
but my most desired baby item...
a glider rocker and footstool!
We rocked with Mary Clare, with Ellie, and Stevie
Glider has seen nursings, spitups, and more
Injuries from children who use her as a play structure
Her pockets have seen pacifiers, snacks, toys, and more
Her denim has been stained by all sorts of things
Still she rocked on
But the glider's days have been numbered
We've tried repairs
We retired the footstool long ago
Her cushions are ripped and won't stay on
Her spools are breaking off
Her screws are missing
If you sit on her, watch out!
You might just fall out the back!
So out she went last night
Into the backyard
So Steven could move her to the garage
But he must have forgotten
And alas! The rain came down this morning
And now our poor old rocker
is drenched and cold and alone
Such a sad sight!
Rest in peace, my dear glider rocker
You've done us good.
Awww...we are putting a lot of baby stuff away too! I am so glad we are not "finished"! ;-)
If you've been keeping up with my blog, you'll know I had a huge garage sale and let go of nearly all our baby things. We think God is calling us in a different direction, and David is discerning the diaconate...so it is sad, and it was very hard on me at times. But knowing all the baby gear was getting put to good use (and I held several boxes back just for Project Gabriel) did help.
As for the rocking chair...you know...we reallly don't use ours anymore, and it's in perfect condition. Let me know if you're interested in it.
If you're ready to get rid of it, I'd be glad to take it, Kimberly :)
Sounds like some exciting new direction for your family...you'll be in my prayers!
I forgot to mention...it is a gliding rocker with a footstool...but I never nursed the kids in it because the armrests are just too high.
If you use a rocking glider for nursing, I must tell you this is very uncomfortable to nurse in.
You're welcome to come by and give it a test run if you'd like.
Kim, I can't find an email for you but I'm still interested...do you have a picture?
Thanks so much!
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