We had a wonderful evening today, went out to a great restaurant and then came home to a German Chocolate Cake and ice cream :)
Love Ellie in that birthday picture...she wasn't so sure about the candles and singing! Steven helped the girls make a tent in their room earlier, so cute!

Well, maybe I'll be changing the blog name since he won't be participating much...ideas?
I've started reading the Gospels aloud after I read MC her nighttime books since it tends to calm her down. But tonight I was reading aloud about the woman anointing Christ's feet and all of a sudden MC starts making strange noises "p, p, eh, eh, c, c." I can't figure out what she's doing but keep reading. Finally she asks, "Mommy, what sound does H make?" She was holding a little board book and trying to read the word PRESCHOOL on the back of it! Wow. Thanks to my friend Kimberly who suggested the Leap Frog reading videos. She's starting to understand how to sound out words! I might have a reader before she's 4...
I went on a beautiful silent morning retreat yesterday and have been enjoying my mornings walking at the park with my mommy friends. I've also been thinking a lot about the death of Steve Irwin, the "Crocodile Hunter." I love "real" TV (when we actually watch TV at my parents', we have no TV at home), and prefer real life shows with real life people, like those on TLC and Discovery Health, but also shows like The Crocodile Hunter. Steven and I have spent many fun afternoons on the sofa at my parents watching Steve Irwin and his exciting adventures with animals. He was definitely a REAL person and we saw the real Steve when we watched him. Maybe that's why so many people are mourning his death. When a famous person dies, a movie or TV star, we usually don't know the "real" person. But with Steve Irwin we did. I'll reflect more on this the next few days, because I think he had a lot to teach us. But "Crikey" it's late, and I must start getting better sleep...
Happy Birthday again, to my sleeping hubby :)
I hope you have 30 and 30 more years of life, laughter, and love and look forward to sharing it with you!
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