-Rental manager came to treat ants
-Plumber came to fix faucet
-MC got gum in her hair once again, had to cut strand of hair
-Legs came off one of the kitchen chairs
-Ellie colored all over herself in green marker
-MC "painted" her fingers and nails with green marker
-Ellie covers self in spaghetti
-Bathed girls due to aforementioned activities
-Called shoe company to continue report of damaged shoes (I get a new pair of Born clogs, yay!)
-Called carseat company to ask question about damaged carseat cover
-Still haven't put laundry away, decided to blog instead ;)
So I finally changed the title of my blog. The address is still the same, but I wanted to make the title a little more fitting for *my* blog, which Steven may occasionally post on. I'll probably change it fairly often. Or maybe I won't. But I also wanted to change the colors and make it a little more girly! Maybe one day I'll figure out how to add an image to the top.
As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary (who) sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me." The Lord said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." Luke 10:38-42
This Gospel has been coming up a lot lately and I think it's fitting for me right now. I think about how often I am caught up in activities like those listed above and fail to just sit quietly and listen to Christ. And I also need to just be present to my friends and family, not always thinking of what I'll say or what I'm doing next. Let's see if I can list just as many blessings and positive gifts from today:
-Christ reminds me to seek charity in all things during prayer time this morning--"Love and do what you please" St. Augustine
-He gives me a beautiful cool Texas morning
-Nice walk with group of mommies at the park
-Let the kids feed ducks, watch frogs, and play in the sand at the park
-Mary Clare enjoys LeapFrog computer game and has figured out how to find the first sound of a 3-letter word!
-She gets off the computer right away when I ask, saying "Okay Mommy!"
-My amazing Mentor friend comes for a visit
-Talk on the phone with my mom and best friend
-Ellie prays oh so sweetly with me at dinner
-Now I get to go meet hubby to drop off girls so I can go to a Bunko group, yay!
Oh, and since you're on the edge of your seats, the chicken tasted fine, and I made my first yummy roast yesterday :)
Here's a beautiful icon I found of Martha, Mary and Lazarus:

And I'm editing to add a picture for my profile, the other one isn't showing up for some reason:

Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me or not from high school... I linked onto your blog from the HS alumni site and thought I would say hi and I enjoy reading your posts :)
Of course I remember you, B! It's so cool to keep up with everyone from the alumni site and check out their pictures, blogs and websites. Did you go to the reunion? It looked like fun but I just couldn't make it this time. Keep in touch and enjoy my mommy-blog :)
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