Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Washington DC Trip Day 6

The morning of Day 6 was quiet for the little ones and me. We stayed at the hotel while Steven took the older boys back to Arlington National Cemetery, and the big girls went with some friends to the new Museum of the Bible.

the city taken from the cemetery

the one pic the girls got at the bible museum...

That afternoon we'd scheduled a special tour with Steven's cousin to see the Capitol, where he works for the Department of Energy. This is where they meet (kids are sitting on the Republican side), and Mary Clare got to run an errand with Pat, meeting Bernie Sanders along the way!

We rode the little underground train through the tunnels to get to the Capitol building

Neat window to look up and see the dome!

The architecture was beautiful, almost like a church!

Yet another pic of Blair nursing!

It was kind of a "stealth" tour because we didn't really have the right passes, but it was neat to hear about it all from someone who truly loves what he does working for the government, and loves sharing about it!

A bit of a press frenzy walking past us here

Then he took us to dinner at the National Republican Club.
We were quite out of place and underdressed, but it was a great dinner and special memory!

My jeans and duck boots while baby removes his shoes and the boys run around the halls. 
Time to leave!

But what a treat it was!

Some more sights as we head back to the car 
The Capitol

Supreme Court

And another night back at the hotel playing with new friends!

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